Vickery, V. (2020) 'Practices of home beyond place-presence'. In Edensor, T., Kalandides, A. and Kothari, U. eds. The Routledge handbook of place.This chapter (59) reflects on the tensions between house-as-home and house-as-commodity, place attachment and detachment, being in place and out of place. The first art projects are based in Cornwall (UK), a much-loved tourist destination mythologised in the recent BBC production of Poldark, but also notable for its not so visible acute housing precarity. This is the place Vickery called home before recently relocating to the city of Bristol, the subject of an embryonic project.
Initially intending to think through practice as an artist and geographer about her shifting relationship to a particular place and her anxiety in leaving, this geography of home and unhoming leads to a wider feminist-orientated reflection in which she calls for a destabilisation beyond place attachment of our own intimate practices of home and identity, a politically productive positioning given the insidious othering of people deemed to be ‘out of place’.
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